Trailblazers (14-17)

Our Trailblazers programme aims to equip older teenagers with higher order skills, while still developing their language proficiency, so they are challenged to use English in a stimulating way and are championed on their journey to become confident and successful young adults.

Trailblazers Programme

English Communication Skills
  • English Communication Skills
  • Communicative language skills & functional English
  • 21st Century Skills; Debating, Business Innovation, Critical Thinking…
  • Global Citizenship; Cultural Exchange event & Global environmental awareness projects
  • Workshops; Circus skills, photography & digital media, teambuilding…
  • Activities; Football, basketball, swimming, treasure hunts…
  • Arts & Crafts; T-shirt designing, drama, crafts…
  • Evening Entertainment; Themed discos, talent show, tournaments…
Educational Excursions
  • 1:25 Student/Leader ratio
  • Excursion-linked lessons to prepare in advance
  • 3 full day and 2 half day excursions (2 week programme)

What people say about us

Raúl Andrade Nava, 15, Mexico
“We communicate in class, working in pairs to discuss the different topics we learn. The classes are creative, learning about magazines and writing poems from storytelling. Today I learnt about ecotourism it was interactive and interesting.”